But hold on. As megastar Shah Rukh
Khan said in one of his movies, “Picture
Abhi Baaki Hai.”
On the fourth day at TCE, after going
through a couple of introductory sessions,
Dinesh felt the T-square and the drawing
board with its several instruments no longer
appealed to him. He wasn’t sure if this
was what he wanted to do for a living. The
more he thought about it, the more he was
convinced he should cop out. It was the
first of a series of indications that the TVS
scion had a strong mind, and was okay with
making unpleasant choices, unmindful of
social obligations.
By the way, his decision had nothing to
do with the college. It had everything to do
with engineering.
So, the tall young man came home, walked
up to his dad, mustered the courage, and
said, “I don’t like engineering. I want to drop
out.” He might as well have said, “I want to
drop a nuclear bomb.” No Tambrahm parent
likes a son to jump ship from engineering.
R Ramachandran was no different. He had
undergone training in the General Motors
Institute of Management at Michigan, USA,
in the late 1950s and is credited with the
introduction of unique HR initiatives in TVS. For a while, it looked as though
the rug was being pulled from under
his feet.